Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Little Cheese Please?

This was a facebook post by one of our very sweet and godly graduates who's headed off to college this Sunday. Had to share it with the rest of you (with her permission of course). Thanks Erin...you're the bomb! And I know for certain that God has great plans for you. He promised (Jeremiah 29:11). Please come home soon and often.

Cheesiness minus the Hallmark card :)
Friday, August 7, 2009 at 12:08am

Sometimes I try to avoid cheesiness, but then I think “why not?!”. While cheesy, cheesiness is usually incredibly sweet and sweetness is awesome, so here is a little for some special people in my life…I have been a member of Rolling Hills Baptist Church (RHBC represent! :]) since the day before I started kindergarten, and it is safe to say that I would not be the lady I am today without the people who I have had the pleasure to worship with in that “backwardly beautiful” church. Some of my most treasured memories were made in that church, but more importantly with the people. RHBC has left me with not only the security of having God as a shoulder, but with a blessing of all of you to lean on too . It is no coincidence that who I consider to be my best friends (BFFL!) are also my brothers and sisters in our Jesus.I truly hope that I have been as real with all of you as I possibly could have been- that I have done my absolute best to shine God’s light- that you have known you can come to me with anything -that I LOVE you. I hope these things, because you all have done those three things for me and you deserve to have the favor returned.So, I leave in about a week for a new chapter in my life (Yes! Cliches!) and I’m scared excited, but what’s super comforting is that when I come home, I know y’all will still be there welcoming me with a hug. I also know that I will be able to face all of this crazy newness because of the strong faith my church has equipped me with. I’m going to go those mountains and continue to raise my voice for my Father and I have no doubt I will still be able to hear all of y’all singing with me. And, I have learned two things that are going to get me so far in my endeavors…1. Love God. Love people. AND 2. How to play ultimate frisbee :) Did I mention you guys are super awesome?! That is all. I love you and thank you. Exodus 14:14


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