Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Where's the Steeple?

Remember this one?

"Here's the church - here's the steeple - open the doors - see all the people."

At Rolling Hills, it is not our ambition to build bigger buildings (and steeples) - it is our ambition to build bigger people who devote themselves to a lifetime of serving Jesus by serving others. So, in launching our new website, we wanted to choose a new domain name that would reflect this missional direction. We kicked around a few ideas and ended up with: wheresthesteeple.org. Be careful, there's no www. and there's no " ' " between the "where" and the "s". I think you're going to like it.

It's easy to navigate. It's very informative. And it represents us well to others. Hope you find it useful.

You should also know that our church now has a Facebook page. After you log into your Facebook account, just type Rolling Hills Baptist Church into the search window and you are there. Become a fan, share pictures, video and stories. The purpose for the Facebook page is really to help the fellowship at Rolling Hills to connect more deeply and to share the story of what God is doing in and through our church with others. Check it out!

Lastly, I've just got to thank our worship team - band, vocalists, tech team and worship leaders for the amazing service you provide every week. I love worship at Rolling Hills and feel so connected to God when we celebrate His Majesty every week! Thanks guys (and gals)...not just for what you do - but for who you are as leaders in worship at our church.

Gratefully Yours...

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