I love our Holy Huddles. Those times when we gather to worship, to pray, to sing, to give, to serve and we gain instruction, inspiration, encouragement, help, hope and dramatic lifechange, as we experience His Presence together. The gatherings tend to happen on Sunday mornings at Rolling Hills. And the result of these meetings is that we are holier, stronger, more courageous, and better equipped to serve Jesus by serving others throughout the week.
This past Huddle was like that. Dileep blessed us by leading worship for the last time before his upcoming trip to Australia. (He hasn't been home in 4 years, so please pray for a happy reunion with his family and for time to unwind and relax with May.) Leanne offered us a beautiful rendition of "O Come, O Come Immanuel". That's one of my favorites, because it's a yearning for the arrival of Messiah. It's not about what we have...it's about what we long for and why. And it was just beautiful! Thanks to everybody who helps shape the wonderful worship experience at Rolling Hills. You've blessed me over and over and over again!
So...whaddaya think? Can Martha have a Mary Christmas? Can she sit quietly at the feet of the Savior and enjoy His presence? Can she take time for "being" before all the "doing" consumes her soul? Can she? Can you? How's it working out for you? Have you taken time to sit at His feet since our last Huddle?
This is especially important in a church like ours that wants so desperately to "do". We want to serve, to clothe, to feed, to house, to give, to build, to reconcile, to rescue, to do...and it would be so easy for us to forget to "be". But remember, "neighbor-love" is fueled by "Jesus-love". If we fail to take the time to "be"...we will eventually fail to "do". Perhaps when we are needed most.
In other words, if you want to Extend His Presence to others...you've got to personally Experience His Presence, a lot and often. So in between Huddles, don't forget to "be still and know".
Wishing you Christmas Presence...
One last thing I need to mention, I had a life-changing experience 20 years ago today. I married the most beautiful woman on earth. She loves me deeply and makes everyday together a blessing. So, Happy Anniversary Pam...I love you and look forward to the next 20 and beyond!