However...we should always refrain from the foolishness of suggesting exact times and dates. Jesus said that "the Son of Man does not even know". If He didn't know for sure when He was coming, but knew He was coming soon - I think it's safe to assume that we will not know exactly when He is coming, but we can know that His coming is closer than ever before.
My favorite word to describe the nearness of His coming is "imminence". And that's why we must live and love and serve with such a sense of urgency. Because the days are short until the Day. So our missional journey is not only driven by compassion and concern for the lost and the least. It is driven by our view of eschatology (study of last things), which says that if we want to show the world that Jesus loves them - we'd better do it now.
This past Sunday, Brian and the worship team introduced us to a great new song called "God of this City". The phrase "greater things have yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this city" keeps running through my head. This is what God has called us to...not someday somewhere but here and now, for the Day of His appearing is now nearer than ever before.
We're on a mission from God...